Category: Uncategorized

December 21, 2021

Apache Log4j Vulnerability – Detection and Mitigation

Alert status HIGH Background /What has happened? Log4j, a prominent Java-based logging package, was found to have a vulnerability. An attacker can use this flaw

September 16, 2021

Remote code execution vulnerability present in the MSHTML component of Microsoft Windows

Alert status HIGH Background /What has happened? A vulnerability (CVE-2021-40444) has been identified in MSHTML, a component present in all installations of Microsoft Windows. A cyber

August 25, 2021

Change of company Address

Dear customers Subject : Change of company Address This is to intimate you that we, CALSYS COMMUNICATION PVT LTD have recently been moved and shifted

July 08, 2020

Instagram now allows all users to pin comments at top of posts in an effort to help moderate abusive replies and promote positive ones

root whois sudo log ping Instagram now allows all users to pin comments at top of posts in an effort to help moderate abusive replies